Greetings. I am your local friendly gorilla. I have decided to post in this thread to clear up some misconceptions that many .. you have then...beep, cleep, chimney...pretty eyes... have about going on an expedition....

Number one...Ee.., an' emmm.. must yell STRIKE THE .. dump.. when ...they leave the town. Otherwise the gain will be minimal and the rewards will be lacking, as the Ear...rth-Goddess does not bless you with her bounty.

Next, you and me. is called reaping the earth when you sea..aa... arch on an expedition, as you are plowing your fists into the mud and pulling out nuts, bolts, and bags of concrete....

And to note, the expedition is properly titled THE EXPEDITE as you go on an expedition in an EXPE...Ee..DIENT manner, therefore it is the expedite.

Another note, are to be given by the EXPEDITE LEADER in the color of truth, the Witch's Red. That way, it is deadly obvious that they are the truth and hold weight over all mortals...

Finally, as I am a giant .. no ?.. eh ? , you must give me all of your .. so I... , purses, utili...ity belts, shopping carts, and super rucksacks.... I carry everything.... I'M A GIANT MAN EATING GORILLA! OOHH OOHHH AHH AHHHHH AHHHHHHHH!!